
The Friendz Network The FriendZ Network – Brand Ambassador Freido Joycee

The platform promises to protect user’s privacy and right to free speech. The Friendz Network is unique in that users own their own data on the network — you have complete control over the data on your newsfeed and timeline. And in a clear dig to Facebook, this cutting-edge new platform will NEVER sell any personal information to third-party providers. The Friendz Network also promises not to target users with advertisements. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, the network won’t monitor or regulate its user’s activity. They also vow to abide by no commercial or political bias. Additionally,
there is no facial recognition or censorship.

We also promise we won’t target you with advertisements. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, our network won’t monitor and regulate its user’s activity. We also vow to abide by no commercial or political bias. Additionally, there is no facial recognition or censorship.

“The FriendZ Network members are customers to serve, not data to sell.”

The New Social Network

Ask the average person what they dislike most about social network platforms and the answers are pretty consistent: massive amounts of advertising, how algorithms determine what you see in your feed, and all of the personal data these companies gather from their users.